Hello, we are a 29-year-old plural system known as The Coven, although you may likely know us as Koro, or Josephine, or potentially even some other name! This site exists to make it easier to recognize who is who, as well as to give us space to express ourselves. This is also something of a work in progress, and we will work to fill it out further as we find ourselves able.There are currently fourteen of us, and while that number is relatively stable some of us have had periods of dormancy. We do sometimes have new members as well, although that is rather infrequent. Europa is our newest, as of October 2022.We recommend Healthy Multiplicity as a reference to any unfamiliar with plurality as a concept.

Members of the Coven


Feel free to contact us on any of these even if it's likely you found us on one, just mention how you found us!


"Let's be gentle with each other so we can be dangerous together."

Fox - It/They/She - ๐ŸฆŠ

Koro, for the most part, enjoys softness and gentleness and the quiet company of those it loves. In a sort of contrast, it can also enjoy loudness and brashness and although it doesn't enjoy it as much as Jacqueline it also loves doing "punk shit". The way it presents itself differs at times, although even its expression of masculinity always leans rather feminine.They can at times be a little bit oblivious, and even when they realize they are unaware of something they may be hesitant to ask. They can also be very easily flustered and have occasional bouts of non-verbalness.She enjoys fiction quite a bit, and one day wants to write a story. Some of her favorite pieces of media are Kill Six Billion Demons, The Locked Tomb Series, Homestuck, and Evangelion.Toyhou.se


"I sit still with lightning for a head
I sleep like a rock with spiders in my bed
I eat the dirt to learn about the land
I wave goodbye with nothing for a hand"

Wolf - They/She - ๐Ÿบ

Josephine tends to put on a cool and collected demeanor, and rarely expresses the anxieties they feel. They want to be a safe harbor for others, offering both safety and comfort. They prefer to be prepared, sometimes for things that may never happen. Josephine's most consistent presentation is all black clothing or just small amounts of color.They tend to be more confident, although they try to avoid overfamiliarity. This can sometimes lead to bottled-up feelings that should have been shared far sooner.She deeply enjoys gardening, and each year is more ambitious than the last. She also loves escapism, especially in the form of tabletop games including homebrew settings. Her favorite system is Blades in the Dark, however. She, alongside Heloise, writes most of our poetry.Toyhou.se


"The meek will inherit the earth, but fortune favors the bold."

Jackal - It/Its - ๐Ÿ–•

An absolute gremlin but meant as a compliment. Jacqueline likes to get a rise out of people, but not in a mean spirited way. It is also rather easy going, and tries to take everything in stride. It is by far the most humorous, and the most able to find humor in the world, of us all.Jacqueline can at times go further than it means to with its jokes, but it will recognize such and apologize. It will also always listen to what others have to say, and will stay up far later than the rest of us if the conversation keeps on going.It is the most likely of us to get arrested for graffiti, and also for resisting arrest. Jacqueline loves to skateboard, and loud and intense music, especially punk.


"I know I can do it."

Raven - Bird/Birdself Synth/Synthself - ๐Ÿฆ


"How can I help?"

Blue Jay - She/Her - ๐Ÿ•Š


"I know I'm good enough. Do you think you compare?"

Snow Leopard - She/Her - โ„๏ธ


"The stars are all twinkling
They're mirroring the dancing
Of the flames as they reach towards the sky
I'm hoping and I'm praying for a better tomorrow
At least one that isn't so bright"

Fae - Fae/Faer - ๐ŸŒฑ

A student and scholar, Rhea loves to read, write, and loves to study the world, fae is the anthropologist among us and seeks to study culture, society, and individual behavior inside of those frames. Fae's ideal body shifts some, but fae sees themself as a sort of elf-like cervitaur, or occasionally a dryad.Fae likes to be out in nature and has taken to recording details about the natural world and the feelings that the world inspires.Fae loves DIY folk music, the more anti-capitalist the messaging the better. Fae also helps Josephine with the garden and is hyperfixated with permaculture design ideas.
